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Sadarbnīca - sociāli atbildīga darbnīca

Mēs esam sociāli atbildīgu projektu darbnīca, kas piedāvā profesionālus projektu vadības pakalpojumus, lai palīdzētu īstenot jūsu idejas un veicinātu pozitīvas pārmaiņas sabiedrībā.

A close-up view of a laptop screen displaying a project management tool with columns labeled 'Open', 'In Progress', and 'Review'. Tasks are listed under each column. The environment appears dimly lit, with a small, leafy plant visible in the background.
A close-up view of a laptop screen displaying a project management tool with columns labeled 'Open', 'In Progress', and 'Review'. Tasks are listed under each column. The environment appears dimly lit, with a small, leafy plant visible in the background.
Mūsu misija
Mūsu vērtības

Sadarbnīca apvieno radošumu un profesionalitāti, nodrošinot kvalitatīvus pakalpojumus, kas veicina ilgtspējīgas attīstības projektus un sociālo atbildību katrā mūsu darbībā.

Sociāli atbildīgi projekti

Profesionāli projektu vadības pakalpojumi jūsu idejām.

Projekta vadība

Kvalitatīvi pakalpojumi Jūsu soiālā labuma projektiem un idejām.

Sociālā atbildība

Veidojam ilgtspējīgus risinājumus kopā ar jums.



Profesionāli projektu vadības pakalpojumi, kas veicina sociālo atbildību un ilgtspējīgu attīstību.

Projekta vadība

Mūsu eksperti nodrošina efektīvu un profesionālu pieeju projektu vadībai un īstenošanai.

A woman stands beside a whiteboard that serves as a weekly planner, organized with days of the week horizontally and different social media platforms vertically. The board is marked with different colored sticky notes labeled with tasks like 'Culture', 'Funny', 'Fun Fact', 'Diversity', and 'Product'. She uses a pen to make a check mark while looking at the board. The layout is colorful and orderly, indicating a planned schedule for social media marketing.
A woman stands beside a whiteboard that serves as a weekly planner, organized with days of the week horizontally and different social media platforms vertically. The board is marked with different colored sticky notes labeled with tasks like 'Culture', 'Funny', 'Fun Fact', 'Diversity', and 'Product'. She uses a pen to make a check mark while looking at the board. The layout is colorful and orderly, indicating a planned schedule for social media marketing.
Sociālā atbildība

Mēs palīdzam uzņēmumiem attīstīt sociāli atbildīgas iniciatīvas, kas uzlabo sabiedrības labklājību.

Text is displayed on a series of white panels arranged in a corridor with an arched ceiling. The text is in a bold, black font and appears to discuss professional organization and social responsibility, based on Finnish language text. The background consists of white brick walls and a white ceiling illuminated by recessed lighting.
Text is displayed on a series of white panels arranged in a corridor with an arched ceiling. The text is in a bold, black font and appears to discuss professional organization and social responsibility, based on Finnish language text. The background consists of white brick walls and a white ceiling illuminated by recessed lighting.

Sociāli atbildīgi

Mūsu projekti veicina sociālo atbildību un ilgtspējību.

A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
A workspace featuring a whiteboard with a social media content schedule, organized by day and platform, using sticky notes in varying colors. A wooden table holds an open laptop displaying a social media management application, alongside pens and small circular items.
Profesionāla vadība

Mūsu komanda nodrošina profesionālus projektu vadības pakalpojumus, lai sasniegtu jūsu mērķus un veicinātu sociāli atbildīgu attīstību.

A man wearing a black shirt and face mask is organizing and handling green plastic bags on a table. In the background, there are several large cardboard boxes and a fenced area. The man appears to be involved in some form of volunteer or community service work.
A man wearing a black shirt and face mask is organizing and handling green plastic bags on a table. In the background, there are several large cardboard boxes and a fenced area. The man appears to be involved in some form of volunteer or community service work.
Ilgtspējīgi risinājumi

Mūsu projekti piedāvā ilgtspējīgus risinājumus, kas veicina sociālo labklājību un pozitīvas pārmaiņas sabiedrībā.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Sadarbnīca ir lieliska vieta, kur realizēt sociāli atbildīgus projektus ar profesionālu atbalstu.

Jānis B.

A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.
A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.

Profesionālie projektu vadības pakalpojumi palīdzēja man īstenot idejas, kas mainīja sabiedrību.

Anna K.

An open planner shows a page dated for Monday and Tuesday with the text 'Christmas Social Media Campaign' handwritten on it. A small figurine of a gnome with a red hat and white beard stands next to the planner on a wooden surface.
An open planner shows a page dated for Monday and Tuesday with the text 'Christmas Social Media Campaign' handwritten on it. A small figurine of a gnome with a red hat and white beard stands next to the planner on a wooden surface.